Monday 17 January 2011

The BA (Hons) Interior Design course at Manchester Metropolitan University seems to show aspects that are inspiring to the student. Also the statement, “We view Interior Design as a distinct, rigorous practice; one that can operate at an architectural scale and also requires the thoughtful assembly of elements at a human scale” really made me want to apply. To be successful in this course would be a challenge but a big achievement.

The work that I have submitted shows a range of techniques and skills that I have leant throughout school and college. The pieces have been inspired through projects, research and influences of mine, which will help you to gain a better understanding of my own unique style.
The piece titled ‘Sketch Work’ is a personal drawing for me and was influenced from a family holiday. Drawing scenic views is an aspect of art I have always enjoyed, which is shown through this image due to the mountains and snow in the background. The figures stand out more due to the colours used which helps to show these are the more prominent features of the image.
The piece titled ‘Axonometric Bathroom Drawing’ was drawn for a family bathroom project. The style throughout this interior is mainly French Chic and Modern as these are styles that I particularly enjoy working with. My chosen colour pallet; I have kept simple with purple, silver and white as I wanted the main detail to be seen in the accessories and furniture. I found, drawing in Axonometric was difficult to adapt to as the perspective of it seemed as though it was out of proportion. However once it was rendered and outlined, the drawing does look effective. Now I have drawn in both Isometric and Axonometric, I feel I work more comfortable with Isometric. This is because the perspective is not so extreme and more of the room is seen.

Textiles Work

Sketch Work

Isometric Bedroom Drawing

One Point Perspective Scanned in Image

CAD Song Title

Moodboard Bedroom

Wall Elevation Swinging 60's Living Room

Textiles Paper Cutting

Ceramic Tiles

3D Design Sheet

Glass Piece

Axonometric Bathroom Drawing